PAL Sample Control Software

The latest generation of PALs can all be controlled by the user friendly PAL Sample Control software. It interfaces seamlessly with many common CDS and MS-data systems (e.g. AB Sciex Analyst, Agilent Chemstation, Masshunter oder Thermo Scientific Xcalibur). With a few clicks you can import or generate sample lists and start the data acquisition. Or you can quickly set up workflows to eliminate tedious manual operations. PAL Sample Control allows overlapping of time consuming steps. This increases sample throughput greatly and boosts productivity.


Supported and Compatible with:

  • Analyst
  • ChemStation
  • Chromcard
  • ChromPerfect
  • ChromQuest
  • Clarity
  • Empower 2
  • EZChrom
  • MassHunter for GCMS
  • QuanLab
  • Xcalibur