Ingeniería Analítica SL is a pioneer company in the field of Instrumental Analysis Techniques, Chromatography and Spectrometry among others. Our hallmark is the experience of more than 40 years in the market, our passion for innovation and a highly qualified human team.
In 1994 Mr. Joan Ramon Gibert Sabaté founded the company after having used it in several innovative R+D+I projects, with his extensive experience and entrepreneurial character, he contributed his bit in the field of chromatography with a new non-existent concept until then: "Custom chromatography" and the search for suitable solutions for each client in particular through "Turnkey Projects".
Ingeniería Analítica is still a family business, today led by Marc Gibert, as CEO of the company.
We continue to specialize and evolve with the most innovative technologies to offer our Clients the best tailored analytical solutions.
We have the support and trust of our suppliers and manufacturers, world leaders in the Chromatography and Spectrometry sector. We have always opted to collaborate with the best brands. We provide our careful added value to your production processes. How?: developing and adapting equipment, hardware and software to the needs of each of our clients.
We are passionate about challenges and obtain the maximum satisfaction of our clients, helping them in their processes of innovation, research, development and continuous improvement. Our ideal of work is based on professional rigor and confidence in the final result.