​ Quality​​

Since our beginnings, our motto "work with the purpose of always offering the best to our clients" was coined in our ideology. With commitment and dedication to the continuous improvement of work procedures, our organization has established a quality management system based on the provision of services in:

    • Commercialization of analytical instruments and consumable material
    • Analytical services
    • Technical assistance
    • Design of analytical solutions
    • Training courses

Our objective is to apply analytical engineering through a comprehensive service in the fields of Research, Environment, Energy, Diagnostics, Health, Nutrition and Industrial, as well as the development of new products and services, "Turnkey" contracts as an advisory tool , project development and technical assistance to professional sectors, making available to our clients the most modern instrumental techniques and informing them of their current and future applications.

 Certificado de Calidad, que avala la calidad de nuestro sistema de gestión en todos los ámbitos de la empresa. 

Our quality policy

Quality is for us the final objective through which to satisfy and convince the client. That is why INGENIERÍA ANALÍTICA SL establishes its Quality Policy.

Our Quality Policy is focused on the implementation of a Quality Management System in accordance with the International Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, in order to give confidence to the clients to whom INGENIERÍA ANALÍTICA SL carries out the dedicated work. for the sale of laboratory equipment, accessories and analytical services, and in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 International Standard, in order to accredit the competence of our testing laboratory and ensure the reliability of its results.

Our reason for being as a company, in the field of instrumental analysis techniques, and the highly technical and qualified sectors to which our products and services are directed, such as Environmental Protection and Industrial Hygiene Safety, is to achieve the Total satisfaction of our Clients, from a commitment to Quality that meets their expectations.

Our Policy establishes the framework for:

1. Comply effectively and punctually with the commitments acquired, exactly to the extent and time in which we have committed ourselves, ensuring good professional practice and quality in tests and calibrations.

2. Search for the best technical and economic solution to the queries and/or problems raised, being creative and didactic in our actions.

3. Being aware of our own limitations, accepting only what we are prepared for and can do in a very professional way.

4. Participate, raise awareness and motivate all company personnel in the achievement of Quality, making sure that they know the information and procedures corresponding to their job position, and that they implement the policies established here. The training, information and animation of the entire human team is a priority objective.

5. Understand the Quality Policy as a guideline for achieving the objectives established in the short, medium and long term.

6. Know clearly the functions and responsibilities of each one of us.

7. Measure and know how to strengthen our relationship with the client, through Quality and Human Quality, since they are the key to our business.

8. Live the concern of the technical and scientific community with which we work, to establish the flow of necessary exchanges that will enrich our knowledge.

9. Establish a work environment that encourages:


​- Our commitment and respect for Science and Technology

​- Devotion, esteem, motivation, trust, honesty and mutual respect

​- Study and continuing education

10. Assume our individual responsibility for any project and be aware that we are participants in something that is not the result of chance, but rather the will and effort of all of us who make up this company.

Implement the Corrective Actions and the Actions to address Risks and Opportunities necessary for the elimination and prevention of non-conformities and customer claims, establishing a commitment to the development and implementation of the Quality Management System and to improvement. its effectiveness continues.

Satisfy the requirements of our clients, both legal and regulatory.

Ensure the competence, impartiality and coherent operation of our entire organization, as well as the confidentiality of all information received, except as required by law.