Policies of Ingeniería Analítica S.L.

​At Ingeniería Analítica S.L., we believe that sustainable success can only be achieved through people. That is why we dedicate all our energy and attention to our employees, collaborators and anyone who interacts with Ingenieria Analitica S.L. including suppliers and customers to our value chain.

1. Sustainability Policy.

• Our company is committed to promoting the best practices in sustainability and periodically reviewing its performance. Our company establishes guidelines for action, in accordance with the values of Analytical Engineering, such as respect for human rights, protection of the environment, health and safety, diversity, equal opportunities, fiscal responsibility, prevention of illegal conduct and the fight against corruption.

2. Ethics and Conduct Policy.

• Our objective with the Ethics and Conduct Policy is ethical behavior, which is inseparable from integrity and good judgment. Ethical behavior is more than just following the law. We all have a responsibility to honor not only the letter of existing laws, but also the spirit behind them by basing our decisions on internal and external legal regulations and our values. Our Ethics and Conduct Policy ensures that everything we do is done responsibly and honestly, throughout the entire value chain and that it reflects our commitment to respect human rights, equal opportunities and transparency of the information. All employees agree to apply this policy in all their professional or personal decisions.

3. Health, Safety and Environment Policy.

• Our purpose is to carry out all the activities of Ingeniería Analítica S.L. considering people's health, safety and protection of the environment as essential values. Progressively move towards excellence, carrying out systematic improvement actions aligned with the challenges and objectives of each area.

4. Anti-Corruption Policy.

• Our goal is to comply with the regulations that prevent and combat corruption. Analytical Engineering S.L. rejects all forms of corruption and will apply a zero tolerance approach to any breach of this policy. We have procedures in place to ensure compliance with high standards of business ethics and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, including laws and regulations applicable to our activities on behalf of Agilent, including national laws and regulations governing commercial bribery, corruption and bribery. of government officials, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act, and trade sanctions and export control laws.

5. Tax policy.

• Our objective is to manage tax matters applying good tax practices and acting with transparency, paying taxes responsibly and efficiently and promoting cooperative relations with governments, avoiding significant risks and unnecessary disputes.

These values constitute the frame of reference that should guide the basic conduct of the employees of Ingeniería Analítica S.L. for the fulfillment of their responsibilities at work, good faith, integrity and respect for legality and ethical criteria.