Advanced Analytical Services
We are always working to overcome what we have already achieved by giving technical solutions in difficult situations and our successes are supported by their own results.
Our daring proposition on Advanced Analytical Services in the areas of Research, Environment, Energy, Diagnosis, Health, Nutrition and Industrial, is giving it results and has contributed to the technological development and innovation in almost all areas of our activity field.
In our analysis and testing laboratories, mainly specialized in organic chemistry and chromatographic, spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, we have advanced our methods according to our clients’ proposals and needs, giving successfully results and solutions to their problems.
We provide a complete range of modern analytical services and solutions, designed to help our clients to optimize their production systems, improve quality product control and processes that they may have developed.
Our working team composed by highly qualified and specialized professional technicians (chemists, analytical chemists, biologists, industrial engineers, agronomist engineers, physicists) in combination with the support of top analytical equipment can satisfied all our customers analytical requirements.