Flavors and Fragrances
Our department of Analytical Services in aromas and fragrances sector provides the possibility of a wide characterization of organic species such as esters, ketones, aldehydes, acetals, alcohols, terpenes and aromatic. Using GC/MS technique to obtain profiles of flavors and fragrances can be a challenge, so using most suitable two-dimensional techniques such as GCxGC/MSD due to the complexity of these matrices.
Usually, the profiles are composed by hundreds volatile organic compounds and the present analytes in lower concentrations often give a strong effect on flavor perception. These volatile species can be analyzed by GC/MSD and GCxGC/MSD techniques using appropriate sample preparation techniques such as SPE (solid phase extraction), SPME (solid phase micro extraction) and TD (Thermal Desorption). These pretreatment techniques permit performed “cleanup” of the matrices in very volatile species, such as flavorings and fragrances, and also constitute an important step of pre-concentration necessary to determine low levels of concentration of these species.
For this, we provide a wide range of analytical methods developed properly in our testing laboratories where we use detection systems, some selective, which in their turn combined with Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography provide a powerful tool for determining the varied composition of these matrices with adequate specificity and sensitivity (SPE-GC/MSD, SPME-GC/MSD, TD-GC/MSD, GC x GC/MSD).
This applications, also include:
- Obtaining profiles of fragrances in perfumery and other consumer products.
- Analysis of strange tastes and smells.
- Obtaining the flavor profiles.
- Residual volatiles.
- Characterization of plants and genetically modified crops.
- Detection of the main olfactory components.
Our laboratories provide the possibility of a selective and sensitive analysis to determine species in complex matrices such as flavorings and fragrances.