ALEXYS Disulfides Analyzer

The Disulfides Analyzer has been developed for the analysis of (di-) sulfides such as (di-)glutathione, cystine, cysteine, homocystine, and homocysteine. The method applies a Flexcell with the new Magic Diamond working electrode for detection of mono and disulfides. Detection limits are below 0.1 µmol/L for most (di-)sulfides. In an alternative setup a dual flowcell configuration is used with about 10 times better detection limit. The method uses an additional Flexcell for pre-reduction of di-sulfides, a second cell is used for detection.

  • Both mono- and disulfides in one run
  • Single flow cell with diamond electrode, or
  • Dual flow cell for selectivity with gold electrode
  • Detection limits 2-10 (gold) or  25-100 nmol/L (diamond)

The chromatogram shows the analysis of 2 µL, 1 µmol/L cystine (1), cysteine (2), glutathione (3), homocysteine (4) and diglutathione (5). If only the mono-sulfides are of interest, the Flexcell can be equipped with a Gold working electrode. This offers additional selectivity, and the lower working potential results in a better detection limit as well (10 nmol/L).


System Configuration

For the analysis of disulfides we selected the Flexcell electrochemical cell. This cell has an exchangeable working electrode and a virtually maintenance free HyREF. The ALEXYS system comprises the following parts:

  • AS 110 autosampler, cool
  • LC 110S HPLC pump
  • OR 110 organiser rack
  • Clarity data acquisition software
  • DECADE II MD electrochemical detector SCC
  • Flexcell with MD WE, HyREF or (high sensitivity DCC method only)
  • DECADE II electrochemical detector DCC
  • 2 Flexcells with GC and Gold WE, HyREF

For more details see our product catalogue.

Part no



ALEXYS Disulfides Analyzer (2 flow cells, high sensitivity)


ALEXYS Disulfides Analyzer using 1 Flexcell, MD electrode