TC-20 Conditioner Tubes

Conditioner and dry-purge unit for multiple sorbent tubes

The TC-20™ is a compact, stand-alone device for the simultaneous conditioning or dry-purging of up to 20 thermal desorption sorbent tubes. The TC-20 is used by thermal desorption–GC analysts who want to improve their laboratory’s productivity by avoiding using valuable instrument time for conditioning sorbent tubes.

- Condition multiple sorbent tubes off-line.

- Conditioning up to 20 sorbent tubes simultaneously (using the analytical system could take 50 hours, but using the TC-20 just 2½ hours)

- Conditioning sorbent tubes with nitrogen rather than expensive helium gas.



- Up to 20 tubes (3½ inch × ¼ inch o.d.), conditioned simultaneously. 

- Uses nitrogen rather than expensive helium. 

- Eliminates risk of contamination of the analytical instrument. 

- Uses a high-capacity charcoal filter to collect tube effluent and prevent contamination of laboratory air. 

- The dry-purge function of TC-20 removes excess water that is trapped during sampling, preventing it interfering with the sample analysis. 

- Each tube connection point is designed to ensure carrier gas flow through an attached tube, even if not all the tube connection points are used. This means that there is no need to blank-off unused tube positions.