The Model 5320 Electrolytic Conductivity Detector (ELCD) is a third-generation ELCD designed for selective detection of halogen-containing compounds. The 5320 ELCD consists of three principal components: the reactor assembly, the cell-solvent assembly, and the detector controller.
The ELCD’s principal mode of operation is the halogen mode (X); sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) modes are also available. Each detection mode kit contains all of the required materials except the solvent) to operate the ELCD in the specified mode.
- Quick-change reactor design, disposable resin cartridge, and reliable solvent system
- Analog-controlled reactor temperature and solvent flow
- Detector base optimized for capillary columns
- Solvent venting using GC timed-event relay
- Direct interface with most GC makes and models
- Direct interface to the OI Analytical Model 4430 PID without a transfer line; the tandem design occupies only one detector port