Customer Quality Questionnaire

Dear Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to answer this quick and brief satisfaction survey. Your comments will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of our support and services, with the aim of improving your satisfaction, thus your answers are very important to us and help us improve our system.

Customer Service: How would you rate the...?
Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very unsatisfied
Kindness of our receptionists
Ease of telephone access (Switchboard)
Quick response to commercial inquiries and resolution of doubts

Reception and Delivery Term of your Orders: How would you rate...?
Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very unsatisfied
Compliance in the Delivery Term of your Orders
The condition and presentation of boxes and packages of your orders

Technical Service: How would you rate...?
Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very unsatisfied
Helpdesk troubleshooting
Training and knowledge of our technical staff
Quick response to technical queries

Sure Probably I'm not sure Probably not Definitely not
Would you recommend our products / service to colleagues in your sector?
Would you use our product/service in the future?

What aspect of our Service / Product / are you most satisfied with?

If you think of similar products or services offered by other companies, how would you compare the features of the product or service offered by our company?
Better Something better Equal Something worse Much worse Don't know
Easy to use
Customer Service

In what aspects do you think Ingeniería Analítica, SL should improve? Suggestions.
Additional comments