AI in the fight against the Apple Snail

On April 15, our President Joan R. Gibert participated in the Round Table organized by & The INSTITUT CATALA D'ESTUDIS AGRARIS (iCEA), Section Protecció Vegetal i Seguretat Alimentaria, under the theme " The Lluita against cargol poma" (The fight against the apple snail) & and within the framework of the Conference & nbsp ;: Cargol Poma. The Delta in Perill & (The Delta in Danger)

From the first moment, Ingeniería Analítica has collaborated with the competent bodies of the Conselleria d'Agricultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, developing an ambitious R & D & I project, with its own resources and shared initiatives, with the ultimate goal of manufacturing a helicide ecological, the "GOLDSAP", to contribute in a definitive way in the fight against this dreaded invasive plague, considered one of the 100 worst invasive pests.

This has allowed us to grow professionally, i our R&D laboratories of advanced chromatographic analytical techniques, equipped with very powerful systems, among others, of LC / mS of & nbsp; triple quadrupole, & nbsp; GC / mS, Flash chromatography, etc. They have been decisive, as work tools, to achieve the set objectives, and they have undoubtedly allowed us to arrive at the design of the ecological helix GOLDSAP, after almost four years of applied R&D.

We are convinced that with our contribution, we are providing rice farmers with a powerful tool to fight this dreaded pest, which unfortunately is already affecting more than 4.9 million hectares in the world.

We also want, from here, to bear witness to our gratitude to all the people and public entities that are involved in this project, wishing to collaborate and continue working together to achieve new achievements for the benefit of science and farmers.

Administrator 10 de febrero de 2023